„Nachhaltigkeit ist die Zukunft, aber
nicht automatisch ein Business Case ...
Founder, Better Earth
... diesen Business Case zu erreichen,
erfordert mutiges Handeln.“
Founder, Better Earth
„Nachhaltigkeit ist
die Zukunft, aber
nicht automatisch
ein Business Case ...
Founder, Better Earth
... diesen Business
Case zu erreichen,
erfordert mutiges
Founder, Better Earth


Our Publications.

Green Ferry unsere Publikation zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften

Impact First Entrepreneurship

"Green Ferry", the management book on impact-first entrepreneurship by Katharina Beck and Philipp Buddemeier. "Green Ferry" turns previous business logic on its head, impact first instead of profit first, pro-social instead of anti-social, consistently anchored across all decision-making levels. Normative, strategic, operational. "Green Ferry" describes the transformation approach we also follow at Better Earth.

Gemeinschafts Publikation Better Earth und Stiftung Klimawirtschaft


“From Ambition to Action” describes the most impactful management approaches to deliver on decarbonization.

For the study, we surveyed nearly 60 companies from almost all industries on about 100 management measures for corporate climate protection. The results are clear: the majority of companies are committed to ambitious climate protection, and many companies have therefore set themselves climate targets. As a result, they derive an immense need for transformation for themselves. Meeting the climate targets requires efforts spread across the entire organization. The study shows in which areas and at which starting points companies have made progress and what leads to success.

You can download the study, free of charge, here:

Gemeinschafts Publikation Better Earth und Stiftung Klimawirtschaft

Circular Economy

“Waste to Wealth” describes the five most promising business models of the circular economy.

Waste to Wealth is about circular economy strategies, enabled in particular by the digital revolution, that contribute not only to environmental protection but also to corporate profits. The book examines five business models that support growth using the circular economy - from the use of renewable resources to the sharing economy. Numerous case studies illustrate each model in concrete terms.

You can purchase the book in bookstores.

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Read our thoughts.

Der Artikel erläutert die Inside-Out-Perspektive im Rahmen der Wesentlichkeitsanalyse und beschreibt, wie Unternehmen ihre Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Governance offenlegen können.
Der Artikel zeigt, wie Unternehmen durch die „Outside-in“-Perspektive der Wesentlichkeit finanzielle Chancen und Risiken aus Nachhaltigkeitsthemen gezielt erkennen und strategisch nutzen können.
Die Wesentlichkeitsanalyse: Nachhaltigkeit klar und unkompliziert umgesetzt.


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remotly Netzwerkpartner Better Earth

remotly GmbH

Culture change through scalable remote team coaching

Why we work together:

Many people in large organizations want to act more sustainably. However, they often do not know how to translate this enthusiasm into daily decisions. Clear goals, guardrails, and incentive schemes help, but they need to go hand in hand with lasting enablement of teams and individuals. Together with Remotly, we offer this enablement in a way that avoids the common and often expensive “flash in the pan.” We deliver effective, cost-conscious, and thus scalable support.

About remotly:

remotly systematically and measurably shifts business areas with 20 to 100+ teams to new levels of purpose-orientation, empowerment, and sustainability competency in 3-9 months through remote team coaching on the job.

Why we work together:

Many people in large organizations want to act more sustainably. However, they often do not know how to translate this enthusiasm into daily decisions. Clear goals, guardrails, and incentive schemes help, but they need to go hand in hand with lasting enablement of teams and individuals. Together with Remotly, we offer this enablement in a way that avoids the common and often expensive “flash in the pan.” We deliver effective, cost-conscious, and thus scalable support.

About remotly:

remotly systematically and measurably shifts business areas with 20 to 100+ teams to new levels of purpose-orientation, empowerment, and sustainability competency in 3-9 months through remote team coaching on the job.